You were set on your way toward a strange new planet located on the other side of the milky way. Your mission was to find out more about the planet. On your way to the planet, you lost all control over your ship resulting in your rocket spiraling toward the planet. The only way you could survive was to take the escape pod and glide down to the surface. The pod crashed! Now the only way to survive was to get back your main ship. Something was different about this planet. It had a strange connection with a polar opposite. You must switch between the two parallel worlds and find your way back to your ship. The two planets are both "Joined Together" so it will affect the other if you change one. Can you solve these Dimension Dilemmas?

Controls -

arrow keys to move

z to pick up boxes

e to activate the levers

q + r to reset


P.S. this is my first time using construct (:


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Cool platformer. Could have done with slighty quieter sound effects though xD Nice job :)

Nice game on construct ! Come check this game too :